Friday 5 March 2010

Location Photos

This is a shot of the front of the college. We have decided to use this as our establishing shot because it tells the audience where the film is going to be set. Having the plinth with the name of the college on in the corner of the shot also tells the audience that the film is set in a college environment, and so from this they can assume that the main characters will probably be young people, who are in education.

We want to use this shot to show our two main protagonists within the college environment. The characters will be stood still, perhaps talking to eachother, and the camera will move around them. The idea behind this shot is to show the characters within the college environment, which will help the audience to make the link that they are students within the college.

This is the second view of the previous shot. As the camera moves around the two characters, this is what will be seen.

This is a CCTV shot of a classroom within the college. The aim of this shot is to show that the college is empty at the time the two protagonists are there, and to also show the audience what the college is like.

This shot will be used to show the male protagonist running past, and when we film we will frame it so that you can only see his feet. This will be the first shot to add tension to the trailer, and will show the audience that eveything isn't what it seems within the college. It will also give the audience an idea that something or someone is in the college, and the idea is to make them want to watch the rest of the film.

This is another CCTV shot, and will show the male protagonist running past. This is to portray that he is being chased by something or someone, and will also show that he and the female protagonist have been separated at some point previous to this.

This shot of the library is also a CCTV shot. We intend to show the female protagonist stood in the centre of this shot, looking straight at the camera, with a blank expression on her face. The aim of this shot is to reinforce to the audience that our chosen genre is a thriller. By having a blank expression on her face, we want the female protagonist to look like she is posessed, and that the antagonist has some kind of power over her. I also think that by including this shot, we will show that it is the female protagonist is vulnberable compared to the male protagonist, which supports the stereotype that women are vulnerable compared to men.

We will use this shot to show the antagonist following the male protagonist. The male protagonist will be stood in the hallway, and the camera will move out from behind the wall and begin to walk towards him. This shows that audience that the protagonists don't know the antagonist is following them, and it also tells them that something sinister is happening within the college, however it doesn't identify the reason behind this.

This is a shot of the same corridor that we will use in the previous shot. In this shot, we intend to show the male protagonist turning round because he thinks somebody or something is behind him, however when he turns round there will be nothing behind him. This will again support the conventions of a thriller genre because the audience have been led to believe something else in the previous shot.

After being in the corridor, the male protagonist will then walk into a classroom in the same corridor. The classroom will be in darkness, and he will be looking around the room with a torch. This gives a feeling of tension to the audience because they dont know if he will find anything in the room. Because he is looking around the college, it will also be clear to the audience that he is looking for the girl he was shown with at the beginning of the trailer. In turn this then tells the audience that something untoward has happened to her and that they have somehow been separated, which is more than likely because of the actions of the antagonist.

After showing the shot of the male protagonist looking for the female protagonist in the classroom, we will change to a shot of the room where she is being kept. This confirms to the audience that the male protagonist is definately looking for her, but it also tells them that she is in distress and is being held against her will. As a result of this, the audience will want to know what is going to happen to her, and whether he will find her by the end of the film.

This shot will show the male protagonist starting to walk around the room trying to find the female protagonist. We intend this to be a point of view shot, will will help the audience to see things from his point of view.

This is the room where the female protagonist will be 'held' by the antagonist in the film. We chose this room because it is fairly small and so we will be able to make it look crampt, and it we will also be able to make this room very dark which will help add to the tension in the film, and also add to the 'fear factor' that we want to create.

We will use this stairwell to show our male protagonist supposedly searching for the female protagonist. We want to show him looking around the college in different areas, and think this area would work because it is dimly lit. As well as using this shot, we will also be using a point of view shot of the antagonist from the top of the stairwell. In this shot, we want to make it appear as though the antagonist is watching the male protagonist without him knowing. This will help to build the tension of the trailer.

This will be the point of view shot from the antagonist, watching the male protagonist going down the stairs.

We will be using this corridor for the last sequence of our trailer. This is becuase it is a narrow corridor, and is another area of the college that we can make dark in order to fit with the codes and conventions of a thriller genre.

This is the area of the corridor where our male protagonist will trip over. The lighting will be very dark, which we again will add to the tension we wish to create.

This is a view of the same corridor that we will be using in the closing sequence of our trailer. This is the view with the door from the small room where the female protagonist will be being 'held' by the antagonist. We want the audience to know that the male protagonist gets to the room where she is being held, however we don't want them to know if he finds her, or even if he knows she is being held in that room.

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